Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A very interesting map for those of us who have spent or plan on spending considerable time in the L.A. area. This is a map of life expectancy as reported by L.A. county's own department of public health that was displayed in L.A. Weekly. The consensus seems to be that the wealthier parts of the county have much longer life expectancy whereas the poorer parts won't get to be as long in the tooth. "If you reside in the Westmont unincorporated area of south L.A., you live to be 72, but if you live in LaCanada Flintridge, you live to be nearly 88." (Coolican in LA Weekly).

Coolican, J Richard. "Rich People are Living a Lot Longer than Poor People in LA County." 28 Jul 2010. LA Weekly. Web. (http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/health/rich-people-are-living-a-lot-l/)

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